ACJCE Members
The Knowledge Forum
The Knowledge Forum is an independent organisation that seeks to produce knowledge-based resources to assist in interventions and advocacy for communities’ rights. The initiative is rooted in the ideology that knowledge strengthens and guides the direction of actions aimed at advancing rights and social justice processes
Policy Research Institute for Equitable Development (PRIED) is a for-profit think tank based in Islamabad. It is the successor of non-governmental organization Rural Development Policy Institute, which was one of the founders and members of ACJCE in the year 2020 and 2021. PRIED is dedicated to working for climate justice.
Alternate Development Services
Based in Islamabad, Alternate Development Services Pvt. Ltd. – hereafter called as ‘The Alternate’ – is a research and capacity development firm. It is registered with Securities and Exchange Commission of Pakistan. The Alternate possesses elaborate experience of project implementation and assessment in the areas of human rights.
Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum
Formally founded in 1998, the Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) is a registered unique civil society organisation working for advancement of social, economic, cultural and political rights of fisherfolk and peasants in Pakistan enjoying great mass support.The Pakistan Fisherfolk Forum (PFF) can be described as the one of the strongest social
Alternative Law Collective
The Alternative Law Collective comprises of lawyers and academics committed to social, economic and environmental justice. The Collective understands the work of law in the widest possible sense. Recognizing the possibilities and limitations of formal legal processes, we aim towards creative law-doing that is grounded
Indus Consortium
Indus Consortium (IC) is one of Pakistan’s biggest networks working as an umbrella organisation of 60 national NGOs working on climate change, environment, and energy transition in Pakistan. It has been extensively working with both federal and provincial governments to make climate change-sensitive policies in different sectors.
Lok Sujag
Lok Sujag is an independent digital media organization that focuses on amplifying voices from the margins of power. We strive to bring unique forward perspectives of otherwise ignored sectors of the society who are left out by corporate, or government funded media. Positioning ourselves as people’s media. Energy transition and
The Climate Action and Energy Access Institute (CAEAI) is dedicated to advancing research, advocacy, and education that promote a just, transparent, and sustainable energy transition in Pakistan. By equipping youth and other stakeholders with the knowledge and tools to challenge the status quo.
The Climate Action Centre (CAC) is a cultural centre in Karachi focused on disseminating popular climate knowledge among Karachi’s communities. Much of its work involves advocacy for climate and development issues. Its legal unit is the Green Chamber. There are yearlong events and training programs for citizens.

Alliance for Climate Justice and Clean Energy (ACJCE) mobilizes communities affected by climate change so that they can have their grievances and problems heard and addressed in a just, equitable and sustainable manner.
We push the change in technologies and policies needed to get to a zero-emissions, high-energy planet at an affordable cost. Imagine a world where the energy needs of all humans are met efficiently without damaging the atmosphere.
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Alliance for Climate Justice and Clean Energy (ACJCE) mobilizes communities affected by climate change so that they can have their grievances and problems heard and addressed in a just, equitable and sustainable manner